The Malta Professional Waterproofing and Resin Flooring Association

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The Malta Professional Waterproofing and Resin Flooring Association is recognised by the European Waterproofing Association and works closely with ASSIMP (Italian Waterproofing Association) ITALIA. The MPWRA is Malta’s centre for learning and certification of professional waterproofing installers. The MPWRA constantly brings over prominent foreign architects and installers to conduct seminars and courses with regards the latest waterproofing application modalities and product developments.

The Association’s aim is to provide technical assistance, knowledge and advice to all its registered members. The Association provides all the support required so that each and every job carried out by its members is stringent to the trade. This will ensure excellent working standards are achieved all the time. The Association members make use only of high quality materials and adhere to the product data sheet with regards consumption and implementation.

All this is done to safeguard the customers from bad waterproofing experiences which are usually the result of deceiving installers who are unprepared and unqualified, making use of insufficient and low quality materials for their own personal gain.

Never let anyone experiment with your propriety especially when it comes to waterproofing. Always ask for the MPWRA Certified Installers Card prior to any waterproofing works, only this way you are assured that the commissioned works whether its a house roof , factory roof, wells, pools, ponds etc. are carried out to its best.